03 December 2008

Three Days to Go!!

This week has really been awesome, I've had fun with my friends and really just relaxed, really exactly what I had in mind when I decided to stay an extra week! It's been rough saying goodbye, but that was expected!

Today, I met with a Promotions and Marketing dude from the study abroad department. He phoned me yesterday and asked if I was interested in helping them out with some future promotion stuff. Of course, I said I'd do whatever I could! I'm really thankful for the program they've set up and all the hard work they put in, so if I can give an hour or two of my time to make this experience for future students, I'm happy to!

He e-mailed me a questionnaire to fill out about my time in Newcastle and then we went to the beach and he took some pictures to use in future publications. I told him I'm usually on the other side of the camera...haha.

Here's a few of the shots you can expect to see in the Study Abroad 2009 catalog!




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