14 May 2008

Ready to GO already!

I've picked out a credit card I want to use overseas (Discover no worky).  I've called my bank and notified them to not freak out when I start ringing up charges on the other side of the world.  My loan is almost on it's way, all the paperwork is done for my trip, I have my passport... I think all I really have to do yet is apply for a Visa...and then pack!

I have dreams where I dream about life in Australia all night...and then I am quite dissappointed to find myself still here in sleepy Platteville.  This morning when I woke up, I had just had a dream that my flight had arrived.  I woke up and thought to myself "I have nothing to do today (true), I guess I'll just sleep off the jet lag! (false)".

I'll be working 30-40 hours a week for the 5 weeks I am home to keep myself busy and generate a little extra fundage.  Yay Autozone.  I start on Monday.

As for Platteville, I had a final Monday, then I have three finals on Thursday... 10AM, 1PM, and 7PM...and then I'm done!  My check-out time is Friday at 1:20pm.  

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