Yours truly with the laziest animal I've ever laid eyes on.
This one's for you, mom!
Your birds!
I really think all Australian animals are lazy. I only saw one kangaroo move!
What are you looking at?
Today, one of the ladies in the study abroad office invited all 6 of us over for an authentic Australian meal. It was like going to Grandma's house.
I could not believe the amount of food this woman prepared. There were about 10 people eating, and any one of the meats could have satisfied everyone. There was a mountain of sausages, a turkey, beef, chicken kabobs (on a stick, not the kebab!), potatoes, onions, bread rolls AND a loaf of bread, corn on the cob, chicken fried rice, salad, and probably some other stuff. I ate an inhuman amount of food and we barely made a dent in it!
After the meal I snuck outside and grabbed some nifty shots of the house, which is nearly 100 years old.
Here's my first successful image using HDR photography...not perfect, I think I was one dark exposure short, but I think it looks awesome!
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